FIDENA 09. - 18.05.2018 eingeladene Shows und Künstler (Änderungen vorbehalten):
Fünf Vorstellungen sind bereits Bestandteil des Kongresspaketes. Sie sind rot markiert. Ab 15. März 2018 können unter individuell weitere Tickets gebucht werden.
“Le Petit Théâtre du Bout du Monde, Opus 1” , Ezéquiel Garcia Romeu (FR) without words (9 May)
"Jake & Pete's Big Reconciliation Attempt for the Disputes from the Past", by and with Jakob Ampe & Pieter Ampe (BE) without words (9 May)
"Un secret de rue" by Alain Lecucq and Narguess Majd (FR/Iran) German version (10 May)
“Camouflage”, Özlem Alkis (TR) (10 May)
“Things easily forgotten”, Xavi Bobes (ES) (10/11/12/13 May)
“The Homes of Latung LaLa”, David Ymbernon (ES) (10/11/12/13 May)
“Babylon”, Neville Tranter (Australia/NL) in English (10 May)
“Whispers”, Cie. Mossoux-Bonté (BE) without words (18 May)
“N.N.”, Ainslie Henderson (UK) in English words (11 May)
”A House in Asia”, Señor Serrano (ES) in English (11/12 May)
“The Ventriloquist Convention”, Gisèle Vienne, Puppet Theatre Halle (FR/DE) English version (12 May)
“Arde brillante en los bosques de la noche”, Mariano Pensotti (ARG) Spanish with English and German subtitles (13 May)
“ Visiting time Over”, Ariel Doron and TJG Dresden (ISR/DE) (13/14 May)
“Coulrophobia”, Pickled Image (UK) in English (14/16 May)
“ Solace”, Uta Gebert (DE) (14/15 May)
“23 viewpoints about conflict”, Worst Case Scenario (ISR) (15 May)
“ Sorry Boys”, Marta Cuscuna (IT) in Italian with German subtitles (17 May)
“ Orlando Furioso”, Mimmo Cuticchio (IT)Opera di Pupi (17/18 May)
Open air:
“ PUNCH”, Oberhoff/Snuff Puppets (DE/AUS) (9-12 May)
“Versailles Reloaded”, Pyromantiker (DE) (16 May)
For children:
“ Bomba Mix”, Alfredo Zinola (IT) with few words (12 May)
“ A hole is mostly round”, Florschütz and Döhnert (DE) without words (12 May)
“ Party”, Alfredo Zinola (IT) with few words (13 May)
“ The Story of a long day”, Agora Theater (BE) without words (17 May)
EXTRAs on the theme of the end of coal mining:
“ Carbon”, Cie Freaks and Fremde (DE) without words (12/13 May)
“ The End of the Coal”, The Village (DE) (13 May)